Dixie's - Heart and Soul: Waiting by the phone

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I'm a 40 something single mother of 2 - Matt, a United States Marine, who is married to the most beautiful girl in the world, Ashley and Kaitlin 14 going on 21, need I say more... two grandchildren, Tyler and Jordyn who is the applie of Mimi's eye... I have the most wonderful man in my life right now. Tony is my true soulmate. I am so happy with my life.... it can't get any better than this!

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Waiting by the phone

Well, I normally don't post on weekends. I'm sitting here in my pj's waiting for Matt to call. He texted me last night and said that he would have libo (liberty) today and for me to be by the phone. Now that could be good news or bad news. I'm taking it as it will be good news.

He did say when he was home for Christmas that there was a slight possibility of him being able to come home after he graduates from SOI for about 30 days. It would depend on if the next school had already started or not and how backed up they were. This would be his MOS school for Security Forces which is in Virginia. I'm not holding my breath but praying...

Like I said, he graduates from SOI on January 16 which is my mother's birthday. If he does get to come home that would be the bestest birthday present ever as mine is January 17 and that means he would be home on my birthday... I'm still not holding my breath... but praying really hard.

I'll let you know.

Proudly Brought to You by Dixie 9:18 AM

Comments on "Waiting by the phone"


Blogger Schmoop said ... (1/13/2008 9:45 AM) : 

You pray and I'll hold your breath for you Dixie. Cheers!!


Blogger Travis Cody said ... (1/13/2008 11:50 AM) : 

30 day liberty between schools would be great!


Blogger Tug said ... (1/13/2008 12:50 PM) : 

Much luck!! What an awesome birthday gift that would be...


Blogger Linda said ... (1/13/2008 1:03 PM) : 

Hoping you get the bestest birthday gift ever!!


Blogger Julie said ... (1/13/2008 4:12 PM) : 

Oh Dixie Darlin'! I sure hope he gets to come home..with a bow stuck on his forehead...just for you!


Blogger Meribah said ... (1/13/2008 7:05 PM) : 

Wooo! I so hope this happens, for both your sakes. A little rest and relaxation at home is good for the soul, so sayeth the puppy. :)


Blogger the Book of Keira said ... (1/13/2008 8:30 PM) : 

I loved having Dean home for that month... what a great gift for you!!!


Blogger Mimi Lenox said ... (1/13/2008 9:40 PM) : 

Praying for good news, Dixie.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1/14/2008 9:16 AM) : 

Crossing everything... keep us posted.

Ya know,since I met you, you're the first thing I think of when I cross the TN river bridge past Cuba Landing. So you were not only waved at, I also thought of!



Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (1/14/2008 1:11 PM) : 

thank goodness you are not holding your breath... you need to breathe dear... in and out...that's it....

or else you could faint and hit your head...

in and out
in and out
in and out

ummm what were we talking about again?


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