Past, Present and a few other things
Ok, so what were you doing in the past? What are you doing in the present? Ten years ago: I was 33 and very unhappily married with a 9 year old son and a beautiful 3 year old daughter. I was having some major health problems. I was diagnosed with cancer, but by the grace of God it was all contained in one area and didn’t have to have any treatments. Five years ago: I was still unhappily married! That was when I found out that the jerk was having an affair and I thought my life was ending. Three years ago: I fell in love with the most wonderful man that I will spend the rest of my life with. I knew then that my life had just begun! Yesterday: Work. Went home, cooked supper, babied my sickly daughter, crawled into bed with my sugar pie and fell asleep. Today: Work, but tomorrow TGIF!!!!! … yippee…. Yes, I know I've been off work for two weeks but come on now... I got spoiled during that time. I got to take my naps... ;-) Tomorrow: Work... again... then coming home and settling in for a peaceful but busy weekend. I must get my house cleaned this weekend. Matt's room is still in a shambles. I don't like to clean it too soon after he leaves because his smell is still in there. Five snacks I enjoy: Reeses Cups Chocolate Chip Cookies Doritos Nutty Buddies Snickers Ice Cream bars Five bands/artists that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Lynyrd Skynyrd The Eagles Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band Aerosmith Elton John Five things I would do with $100,000,000: Give to my church. Remodel our home. Pay off my bills! Give to family and friends. Put away in savings. Five locations I’d like to run away to: Hawaii The Mountains Disney World Cancun Mexico Switzerland Five things I like doing: Blogging Cooking Shopping Yard work Being with my family Five things I wish I could wear: A bikini Daisy Dukes (yeah, I wore these as a teenager, too old now) Skinny jeans A mini skirt Stilletos Five TV shows I like: CSI (all of them) Deal or No Deal Biggest Loser Law and Order (all of them) American Idol Five Movies: The Pursuit of Happyness Animal House Hairspray A Christmas Story Slingblade Five famous people I’d like to meet: All my blogging friends (yes you are famous) Oprah Winfrey Dr. Maya Angelo President Ronald Reagan(yes I know he's deceased, but would have loved to meet him) Denzel Washington Five biggest joys at the moment: My children My family I'm healthy! My Blogging Buddies My Marine Moms Group Five favorite toys: Tony (hehehehehe) My computer My digital camera My car… oh yeah I love my Mustang Oh, did I mention Tony?? SMOOCHES~ |

Comments on "Past, Present and a few other things"
Ha, when I did this meme I put Zane down as one of my five favorite toys too. Yep, we are in love alright. Very well done. I'm glad that you are finally happy Dixie. It's a wonderful thing isn't it? Big hug. :)
It is so wonderful that your life took a turn from bad into truly wonderful. I'm so happy for you!
Enjoy your weekend and make sure you get a nap or two in! Naps should be reserved for adults as children just don't appreciate them at all!
I would to run away to Hawaii right now lol! its gotta be a lot warmer there :D
Ain't love grand! Hope your baby is feeling better...
Mmmmmmmmm. You had me at "Doritos". Cheers!!
Matt-Man IS a Dorito - a crispy chip that tends to flake apart. Bwahahaha!
I listed my hubby as a favorite toy when I did this meme, too.
Dix, we have a lot of the same favorite's in common you and I :-)
The puppy is glad that there is NOTHING she can't wear...except stilettos, cuz she would SO fall down in those!
Hmmm, a "boy toy" sounds like fun...maybe the puppy should get herself one! LOL :P
Animal House and A Christmas Story... WOOOO Reeses Peanut Butter Cups YUM...
Being Healthy YEA Baby
This is a cool meme Dixie!
We have lots of the same fav toys too....umm not Tony...but see..
WOO! A new meme for me to steal!
you must really like your boy-toy cause you listed him TWICE!