DING, DING, DING... Round 2
What do I mean by that? Tuesday we had massive storms pass through our area. Yesterday was a beautiful day... today.... massive storms again. Thankfully everyone here is safe. Everyone knows that back in the spring and summer I spent alot of time in Pulaski at our sister plant. I have not been back to Pulaski since October ... An announcement was made Tuesday that they are closing that plant. With that plant closing they are transferring work to our plant. Yes that's good news for us but my work load has just tripled... I'm tired when I get home. It's 6:10 pm and Tony's still at work. Going to walk on the treadmill, take a shower, grab a bite of supper, and hit the sack. I'm beat! I've got one heck of a headache. I first thought it was sinus but now I'm beginning to think it's stress. Until tomorrow - SMOOCHES~ |

Comments on "DING, DING, DING... Round 2"
That's a shame about the other plant, especially after all that work you did over there!
lots of places downsiding here too...don't stress too much...
HUGS, Dixie!!!
sorry about the plant closing.
Try and get some rest Dixie!
sorry about the other plant...all those poor people out of work...
hope you survived the weather, we did here...
WOOOOOOOOOO on the DSL SugarBaby...now you can enjoy so much more
Feel better Dixie! Get some rest.
well what's for supper dixie???
smiles, bee
Aww man...that's bummer about the plant closing. Hopefully they'll bring someone along to lighten your workload.
Love ya dear!
Hope thing start looking up for ya :-(
Wouldn't surprise me at all if most of what ails is is linked to stress. As women we feel the weight of the world.