Thursday Thirteen Edition # - Heck if I know - 40???
Here are some great letter writing tips I've found when I get Matt's address. 1. Write every day if you can.
3. Pre-address a bunch of envelopes to your son/daughter. Put a stamp on them. Include one or two sheets of writing paper. Keep them in your glove box or purse. Hand them out to friends, relatives, teachers, anyone you run in to who you think might drop a quick line. You'll be amazed how many people you'll find that will be tickled to write, especially when you've done most of the work for them.
4. Stuck for stuff to write every day? If you have a digital camera, take pics of anything...kid's truck at home, his room waiting for his return, the floor of the laundry room you've seen for the first time in years now that kid's gone...haha, Dad getting his first cup of coffee in the morning (always good for another laugh), pets, friends, siblings, grandparents...whatever. Insert the pics in the letter with captions.Make a sign that says "HI ______" for people to hold while you take the pics. It generates some fun photos!!Take your camera everywhere, digital or not. You'll be amazed at how many people and things you'll find to shoot and take up space. Your son/daughter will love it. Picture's worth a thousand words...
5. Enclose articles from your local paper. If your newspaper is online, you can copy and paste the articles into your letter. Keep the news interesting or good...remember, no negatives now.
6. If your son/daughter is a sports fan, enclose sports news.
7. Don't put anything on the envelope other than recruit's address and your return address. No stickers, perfume, nothing to make the recruit stand out.
8. Early in the game, send your recruit the addresses of his/her buddies. Trust me, your recruit won't have them unless they are memorized.
9. Go online and run a search for a good, upbeat Joke Of The Day site and include a few in your letters.
10. Go online and get inspirational quotes.
11. Go card shopping. Write a little note, but do try to include a few photos or a newspaper clipping...anything to add to the brief respite mail call gives the kids.
12. Send a fill in the blank/multiple choice letter for your recruit to complete and send back to you. This is for those who do not like to write. 13. Write, write, write... no negatives... all upbeat and very positive. This can't be stressed enough. We want to keep his spirits up.
Comments on ""
Great info:) Happy TT...
He's a lucky guy. He's going to love those letters.
You're such a sweet mommy to have found this information, Dixie! Very, very good tips! Some ideas that anxious mom's might not thing of, huh?
Great ideas- I really like #3! Happy T13!
Are we going to need to send you extra paper? Cheers Dixie!!
beautiful ideas....we will start working on your design this weekend Sugarbaby
What wonderful tips for those with loved ones in the service!
I'll be sure to use that for the soldier I adopted, Mr. Air Force Man...
Great tips Dixie. I'd love to write to Matt if you think he needs more reading material.:P
Warning: my letters tend to be ten pages long sometimes :P
I love the stamped, addressed envelope with paper for your friends! How genius is that! I can't wait to get his address. I'll send him a note from Arkansas! :)
What a great list. How cool is this. Now we all know the proper rules. Waiting for the address. Have a great TT. :)
I sent Dean gay porn while he was in basic. Yours are much better!
This is excellent advice. All that training, and being shut off from the "regular" world...this kind of stuff will definitely help him stay grounded.
sorry to be late, no excuse, just having a little pity party myself! these are great ideas dixie honey! just so thoughtful.
smiles, bee