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Location: Tennessee, United States

I'm a 40 something single mother of 2 - Matt, a United States Marine, who is married to the most beautiful girl in the world, Ashley and Kaitlin 14 going on 21, need I say more... two grandchildren, Tyler and Jordyn who is the applie of Mimi's eye... I have the most wonderful man in my life right now. Tony is my true soulmate. I am so happy with my life.... it can't get any better than this!

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Monday, October 09, 2006

The Fuzzy Blue Bunny! The St. Louis Cardinals, The New York Yankees, Bond and the Detriot Tigers?????

Talked to Bond yesterday afternoon about 1:30 pm CST. He was still traveling from New York to Memphis. He had about 5 hours left on his trip. He was in the most wonderful mood! The first thing that he said to me was "Our Tennessee Titans are winning"! Well, they were... even at half time they were up 10 - 0 against the Indianapolis Colts... but lost it in the 4th quarter... 13- 14.... We also talked about his "New York Yankees" loosing... Can someone please tell me who the "Detroit Tigers" are???? I've never heard of them... ;-) I think that someone said that it was one of Damm's favorite teams... Can someone please let me know....

My St. Louis Cardinals beat the San Diego Padres last night. The move on to play the New York Mets..... GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!!

Well here it is all... the fuzzy blue bunny story.

Like I've told you before, Chris is the baby of the family. What Chris wanted....Chris got! Needless to say, he was and is SPOILED ROTTEN!!!!!!!

From the time he could walk up until he was around probably 7 or 8, he would carry this blue blanket and fuzzy blue bunny with him... everywhere. To bed, to the supper table, breakfast table, lunch table, to church, to the doctor, to take a bath... I don't care where he went this freakin blanket and bunny was with him.

One summer afternoon, it had been raining most of the day, so we couldn't go outside to play. Once again, Kim was babysitting us as Mother and Daddy were both at work. Chris woke up from his nap and was in a pestering mood, nothing new. I was sitting in the living room floor playing with my Barbie dolls, minding my own business, and he comes in there to pester me. Starts picking up my Barbies... throwing them across the room... kicking them... slapping me in the head... just being a PURE PEST!!! I told him to leave me alone or else. I meant it... he just kept on pestering me... so what did I do... yep, you got it... I grabbed this Fuzzy Blue Bunny out of his hands and took it from him; put it under my butt, sat on it and told him that he was not going to get it back. That I was going to take it outside, bury it in the worm beds and let the worms eat it. That is was going to become “WORM FOOD”…. OH GOD! You would have thought that I had just murdered him or that the world was coming to an end. He screamed and screamed and screamed... he was trying to get the bunny out from under me... but I was just a little smarter than him.

I get up, grab the bunny from underneath me, wave the bunny in his face, tell him it's going to the worms and take off running. Now the house has no halls, you go from one room to the other....I start running through the dining room, the back porch, cut the corner and through the kitchen, cut the corner again and back through the living room into Mother and Daddy's bedroom into my bedroom, back through his bedroom... I did this oh for about 5 minutes... laughing all the way... chanting "The bunny's going to the worms.... The bunny's going to the worms", "It's Worm Food, It's Worm Food".... He was crying sooooo hard..... I can't remember exactly where Kim was... I know he was there... but either way, he wasn't going to stop me!!!!

All of a sudden, as I cut the corner into the kitchen, I hear this BANG!!!!!! I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around, only to find that Chris had stomped his toe on the freakin blue blanket that he was carrying and hit the corner of the door. I was still laughing, waving the bunny, chanting "It's Worm Food" I didn't think anything was wrong... Kim came around the corner to see what happened. He jerked me by my arm to get me out of the way and went over to Chris. There lay Chris in a pool of blood. He had busted his head open just above his right eye ... I WAS IN MAJOR TROUBLE!!!!! But it wasn’t my fault!!!!! I didn’t do anything!!!!

Kim called Mother… she came home… I in my room… feared the worse… but I still had the bunny… oh yes… I still had it… I was bound and determined that he WAS NOT going to get it back. Mother grabbed the bunny from me and told me that she would take care of me when she got back. She called my Grandmother to come to the house to watch me while she and Kim took Chris to the hospital… It took 8 stitches.

Well… while Mamaw was there, I milked it for all it was worth. I told her how Chris was pestering me, blah, blah, blah… I had Mamaw in my court… or so I thought… until Mother got home. Needless to say, my Mother gave me on whipping that I remember to this day… Mamaw gave me “her look”… which broke my heart and Chris was getting all the petting.

I did manage to catch him alone in the living room, lying on the couch, watching TV, walked over to him and touched the fuzzy blue bunny and ever so slightly whispered “Worm Food” and walked away. He screamed, but I managed to get out of the room before I got caught. He cried, told Mother what I said… of course she came in my room and told me to leave him alone and not say another word to him. I said…… “I didn’t say that”… he’s just dreaming… LOL… ;-) To this day, I still haven’t told her the truth…

The Fuzzy Blue Bunny is long gone now… I’m not really for sure what happened to it. I think that it got so ragged and dirty, that after Chris gave it up Mother just threw it away. The blue blanket… well there was nothing left of it. At night when Chris would go to sleep, he would hold the fuzzy blue bunny and suck on the blanket. He tore it completely apart by sucking on it. I think that by the time he gave it up, there was only about a 3” corner left.

Chris and I still recount that story when he’s home for a visit and is at my house. Occasionally I will whisper “Worm Food”… and we just die laughing.

Until tomorrow
Lee Ann

Proudly Brought to You by Dixie 8:42 AM

Comments on ""


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10/09/2006 9:26 AM) : 

From the mind of Meribah:

Bwaaaaaaaaaaa!!! LOL That was good!!!! Worm food! Heeheehee! Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10/09/2006 9:28 AM) : 

great story Dix!! Loved it!! It's great that if he pisses you off now you can just say worm food or if your both in a tense situation you can say it then too and you'll both end up laughing. hugs!


Blogger Unknown said ... (10/09/2006 1:06 PM) : 

OMG He isn't out of the tri-state 5 minutes and he's turned his back on the Yankees! For shame BOND! LOL! He will be banished from The Bronx FOREVER!


Blogger Lee Ann aka Dixie said ... (10/09/2006 1:34 PM) : 

Oh Busy... I don't think he's turned his back on ya'll beloved Yankee's... I'm the diehard Cardinal fan!!! I think he will ALWAYS be a true Yankee Fan at heart! Please don't banish him from Da Bronx!



Blogger Amanda said ... (10/09/2006 6:22 PM) : 

lol Dixie..your story reminds me of a fight I had with my brother after he took my muncheechee and wouldn't give it back! And Congrats on your Cards as a die hard Braves fan I will be counting on them to beat the heck out of the Mets!!Much love!


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (10/09/2006 7:38 PM) : 

YO BUSY.. The titans are football and I was sorta kidding.. I could live somewhere else for my entire life and i will always....ALWAYS bleed pinstripes... that will NEVER change...
Congrats on the Cardinals winning.. I have always hated the Mets..but I could not be happier for Willie Randolph, their manager and a true Yankee. I used to wear his number 30 when I was playing softball and played second base....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10/10/2006 1:46 PM) : 

"your bunny days are over" :)

tigers win, tigers win and one for bond....tiger win :)


Blogger Lee Ann aka Dixie said ... (10/10/2006 1:59 PM) : 

We have a another sighting! wooooooooooo

*Squeeeeezzzzeeeesssss the Duck* woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


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