Dixie's - Heart and Soul: My Personality????

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I'm a 40 something single mother of 2 - Matt, a United States Marine, who is married to the most beautiful girl in the world, Ashley and Kaitlin 14 going on 21, need I say more... two grandchildren, Tyler and Jordyn who is the applie of Mimi's eye... I have the most wonderful man in my life right now. Tony is my true soulmate. I am so happy with my life.... it can't get any better than this!

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Monday, February 25, 2008

My Personality????

First of all I want to say congratulations to the University of Tennessee Men's basketball team. Unfortunately they beat my Memphis Tigers Saturday night but what a game it was.

Anyone who follows sports knows that the Tigers can't hit a free throw worth a crap so they left 11 points on the free throw line. That can cost any team a game and so it did.

However, we now have No. 1 Tennessee and N0. 2 Memphis in the AP poll... so I'm still happy.

Tennessee has to play Vanderbilt Tuesday night on the road. Hearing a lot of talk that Tennessee may have problems with them. They also have to play Turnbaby's Kentucky Wildcats soon and from my understanding the Wildcats will be out for blood. So that being said... Memphis could be No. 1 again... time will tell.

One thing is for certain, they will have a No. 1 seed come tourny time... this I'm sure...

So I found this over at Julie's who found it over at Trav's who found it ... well I don't know... but I thought it was cute and decided to find out what my true personality was...

So I did the first one with my real name

The Recipe For Lee Ann
3 parts Happiness
2 parts Courage
1 part Playfulness

Splash of Humor

Limit yourself to one serving. This cocktail is strong!

Here's the one with my alias

The Recipe For Dixie
3 parts Understanding
2 parts Superiority
1 part Giddiness

Splash of Wisdom

Finish off with whipped cream

Which one is the REAL me... Can you guess???

Proudly Brought to You by Dixie 4:40 PM

Comments on "My Personality????"


Blogger Sandee said ... (2/25/2008 4:56 PM) : 

I know nothing about sports. My husband doesn't either. What a disgrace we are.

I think both of them are right. I just do. I really can see both pieces of personality as you. Have a great day. Big hug. :)


Blogger Julie said ... (2/25/2008 7:15 PM) : 

Oh I just LOVE this widget..ummm is that what it's called? Nevertheless I love it!

I dont' see the superiority aspect of you....should I ask the man in the house?

Tee hee hee!

Oh! Thanks for the shout-out!


Blogger Travis Cody said ... (2/25/2008 7:29 PM) : 

I think they both describe you, except for the superiority part. I don't know what that means.

I was wondering if the voters would drop Memphis a little farther, but I'm glad they only flipped the positions. With UT playing in the SEC, you could be right about Memphis getting back to the #1 spot before the end of the season.


Blogger Crazy Working Mom said ... (2/25/2008 7:36 PM) : 

So is one of those recipes any closer to "the real" you than the other?


Blogger the Book of Keira said ... (2/26/2008 9:42 AM) : 

I'm going to go with the first one :-)


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (2/26/2008 2:54 PM) : 

Actually UM dropped to #3

and i think you need to mix both of those drinks together to get you


Blogger Mimi Lenox said ... (2/26/2008 10:40 PM) : 

The first one is you. Definitely.

You've been royally tagged by the Queen of Memes. Message In a Bottle Meme Hope you like it!


Blogger Liz Hill said ... (2/27/2008 9:43 AM) : 

Those last two comments look like candidates for deletion Sugarbaby.

The superiority doesn't fit so I'll take the first onw with a little of the second one mixed in.



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