Dixie's - Heart and Soul: Manic Monday

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Manic Monday

Today's Manic Monday word is brought to you by the number 2. Thanks Mo!

I'm posting TWO classic songs by Meatloaf...

I have never seen or heard anybody come close to singing with the same level of passion and intensity as Meatloaf. His amazing voice sends chills up my spine and gives me goose bumps all over!

I can remember parking on a deserted road and making out with my 17 year old boyfriend in his dads car with these TWO songs playing on the tape cassette. That was many, many moons ago. Some good songs and some good things never change. The boy has since gone, but I always remember that special time in my life when I hear this song :). Songs like this are timeless.


Here is another classic


The majority of the music today is crap. These are timeless classics. So here you have my TWO song choices for today.



Proudly Brought to You by Dixie 8:42 PM

Comments on "Manic Monday"


Blogger RW said ... (2/17/2008 9:26 PM) : 

Great tunes, did Ol'Meat ever make that home run? :D


Blogger Crazy Working Mom said ... (2/17/2008 9:27 PM) : 

Meatloaf, really?

For me it was Bryan Adams. :) He had some good make out songs. *wink wink* Just don't tell my mom, K?!

Happy MM.


Blogger Mariposa said ... (2/17/2008 9:47 PM) : 

Memory lane in TWOs...how fun! Happy MM!


Blogger Travis Cody said ... (2/17/2008 9:56 PM) : 

Meatloaf was certainly one of the most theatrical rock performers I ever saw.

Happy MM!


Blogger Unknown said ... (2/17/2008 10:30 PM) : 

Ah Meatloaf...nice twos you have there!

Happy MM!


Blogger Empress Bee (of the high sea) said ... (2/17/2008 10:57 PM) : 

drat! now i want a meatloaf sandwich! ha ha ha

smiles, bee


Blogger Sarge Charlie said ... (2/17/2008 11:10 PM) : 

Meat loaf, I go for hank Jr or Dolly P, or .........


Blogger Gattina said ... (2/17/2008 11:59 PM) : 

Wow ! that rocks !! Good for me I just got up, lol !


Blogger Linda said ... (2/18/2008 12:17 AM) : 

I absolutely love Meatloaf! One of my favorites is "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad" and "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" is just such a fun song!

Two great choices that I give two big thumbs up to!!


Blogger Jersey - The Furry Diva said ... (2/18/2008 3:03 AM) : 

2 great songs of 1 excellent rock star! YAY!

Happy MM!


Blogger Schmoop said ... (2/18/2008 7:20 AM) : 

I love Meat Loaf, both ways...Rocking or Baked. Cheers!!


Blogger Durward Discussion said ... (2/18/2008 7:59 AM) : 

My two favorite Meatloaf songs with "read 'em and weep" a close third.


Blogger Unknown said ... (2/18/2008 8:34 AM) : 

Great MM Post! I recall seeing Meatloaf in some movies as a character actor, but I don't think I've ever heard him sing until this morning...

I struggled with this week's MM meme. Come visit if you have time or inclination.

peace, Villager


Blogger Unknown said ... (2/18/2008 9:01 AM) : 

Hi this is Chuck Woolery from the dating game, and we'll be back in two and two!

Come check out my blog in 2's.

Happy Monday 2 you


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (2/18/2008 9:31 AM) : 

two excellent songs....


Blogger Sandee said ... (2/18/2008 11:14 AM) : 

Love them both Dixie. Very well done for 2. Have a great MM. :)


Blogger Shelia said ... (2/18/2008 1:41 PM) : 

I'm aware of Meatloaf, but not a lot of his music. Both of those songs are nice though.

Happy MM!


Blogger Maria's Space said ... (2/18/2008 1:52 PM) : 

I love these songs and it has been so long since I heard them.


Blogger Desert Songbird said ... (2/18/2008 4:24 PM) : 

Reminds me of high school.


Blogger Meribah said ... (2/18/2008 5:05 PM) : 

Wooo! I love Meatloaf! These two songs were great! Thanks! :)


Blogger SimplyGigi said ... (2/18/2008 8:55 PM) : 

I ♥ Meatloaf!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Manic Monday!


Blogger Tug said ... (2/18/2008 9:46 PM) : 




Dix, you rock - seriously.


Blogger Unknown said ... (2/19/2008 1:03 AM) : 

Hi, thanks for the info...now I have to more accurate I guess... ;)

Btw, I tag you for a Linky Love, please visit my site when you have the time. Thanks!


Blogger the Book of Keira said ... (2/19/2008 9:39 AM) : 

I like my meatloaf with tomato sauce instead of gravy. Yumm.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2/19/2008 7:31 PM) : 

Classic meatloaf! Can I get a side of succotash with that?


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