Dixie's - Heart and Soul: The Marines Fight for Us, Let's Fight for Them

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I'm a 40 something single mother of 2 - Matt, a United States Marine, who is married to the most beautiful girl in the world, Ashley and Kaitlin 14 going on 21, need I say more... two grandchildren, Tyler and Jordyn who is the applie of Mimi's eye... I have the most wonderful man in my life right now. Tony is my true soulmate. I am so happy with my life.... it can't get any better than this!

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Marines Fight for Us, Let's Fight for Them


I received this in my work e-mail today. I find what the city of Berkeley is doing is repulsive. What gives this City the right to treat our Marine Corps this way?

I have put in three links here just in case you miss one.

Please go to Move America Forward and check it out. You will find some very interesting reading.

The below is from Senator Jim DeMent:

The City Council of Berkeley last week voted to ask the U.S. Marine Corps to vacate their recruiting office in town, and that if they chose to stay they did so as "uninvited and unwelcome intruders." Berkeley also voted to give the radical liberal group Code Pink a parking space to protest the Marine Corps and urged them to "impede, passively or actively" the work of Marine Corps recruiters.

During debate of the resolution, one council member called the Marines "the President's own gangsters" and "trained killers." Another said the Marines had given the country "horrible karma" and said they had a history of "death and destruction. " In a document drafted to support the resolution against the Marines, the council stated: "Military recruiters are sales people known to lie to and seduce minors and young adults into contracting themselves into military service with false promises regarding jobs, job training, education and other benefits."

I do not believe a city that has turned its back on our country's finest deserves $2 million worth of pork-barrel projects. This week I introduced the Semper Fi Act of 2008. The bill would rescind over $2 million in hidden earmarks for Berkeley, California in the 2008 Omnibus Appropriations bill, and transfer the funds to the Marine Corps But I need your help.

I'm currently working with MoveAmericaFoward. org to petition members of Congress to support the Semper Fi Act of 2008.

Here are some ways you can help:

Tell five people to tell five people about the situation in Berkeley, CA

Call the Berkeley County Council Members and tell them to support the troops

Meanwhile, the Marines will continue to bring peace, security, and freedom to the citizens of Berkeley, whether they like it or not. There is a well known slogan outside the Marine Air Base in Beaufort, SC warning passersby of the jets' loud noises. The slogan says, "The noise you hear is the sound of freedom."

The irony is the Marines are glad to do it and that is why most Americans are so proud of them. The Marines risk so much fighting for us, now it's time us to fight for them.


Senator Jim DeMint

P.S. We can strengthen America. Change begins with you, so please get involved today and sign the petition at MoveAmericaForward.org

Proudly Brought to You by Dixie 5:59 PM

Comments on "The Marines Fight for Us, Let's Fight for Them"


Blogger Sandee said ... (2/12/2008 8:35 PM) : 

The folks running Berkeley are working really hard to clean this up. I'm not thinking this will go away any too soon. I've never liked that town and this is why. Weirdo's everyone. Pissed me off too sweetie. Big hug, they know they did bad. :)


Blogger Sarge Charlie said ... (2/12/2008 9:16 PM) : 

pissed me off, i signed, same people threw dog shit at me on the way home from vietnam


Blogger RW said ... (2/12/2008 11:30 PM) : 

Berkeley Blows!!


Blogger Schmoop said ... (2/13/2008 7:48 AM) : 

I started a post about this this past weekend.

The members of the Berkeley City Council who voted for this are idiots, and while I greatly respect public dissent, the members of Code Pink are highly obnoxious.

With that being said, I will have to make my feelings known to the BCC through some other means than through Move America Forward.org. Not a big fan of their organization. Cheers Dixie!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2/13/2008 7:56 AM) : 

Berkley = land of fruits and nuts...OY VEY!


Blogger Angell said ... (2/13/2008 12:36 PM) : 

Posted on my Facebook hon - I belong to a group on there called Fight Club and I know that a lot of them are either past members of the armed forces or current ones. And those that aren't know a lot that are.

Those jackals....

HUGS to you and to Matt.


Blogger Tug said ... (2/13/2008 7:33 PM) : 

I'm on my way to sign, and will copy & paste this to e-mail.

Hugs to you & Matt Dix...


Blogger The Mrs. said ... (2/15/2008 10:25 AM) : 

Isnt it amazing what lows those code pinko weirdos and the "govt" of berkely will stoop too?

deep calming breathes... deep calming breathes


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