Dixie's - Heart and Soul: WII.... WOULD LIKE TO PLAY

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I'm a 40 something single mother of 2 - Matt, a United States Marine, who is married to the most beautiful girl in the world, Ashley and Kaitlin 14 going on 21, need I say more... two grandchildren, Tyler and Jordyn who is the applie of Mimi's eye... I have the most wonderful man in my life right now. Tony is my true soulmate. I am so happy with my life.... it can't get any better than this!

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Saturday, January 26, 2008


Tony and I bought a Wii last night.... oh. my. god.... I'm so sore this morning.

We got it up and running about 7:00 last night and I don't think we went to bed until around 1:00 AM or so. Had a freaking blast! Wonder what WII will be doing this weekend? ;-)

Our Tiger boys play Gonzaga today at 11:00 CST. GO TIGERS GO!!!! If you don't remember, the University of Memphis Tigers are No. 1. First time in 25 years...


I work with a guy who is originally from Wisconsin. He sent this picture to us yesterday. Apparently a lady who lives in Ladysmith, WI has some new pets... or wanna be. Looks like they wanted to come in from the cold. There isn't just two but three deer. I've circled the one who stayed off the deck. He's kind of hard to see.

Well, I heard from Matt on Thursday. He is NOT getting to come home and work RA for 30 days. He missed it by 4 pull ups. He said that he did them but the Sgt that was counting him screwed him out of them. How? The Sgt. told him that from where he was standing that he couldn't see his chin go above the bar. Matt said that it did but of course couldn't say anything because he was is superior. So.... he'll be staying at "Camp Cornfield" and working in parties. But... and yes this is a teensy tiny BUT.... he said that he may try to come home next time he gets a 96 which will be somtime in February. Will just have to wait and see...

Nothing else much to say today. Kaitlin is already in the front room playing the WII. She is wanting me to come and play with her so I'm headed that way.

Proudly Brought to You by Dixie 10:17 AM

Comments on "WII.... WOULD LIKE TO PLAY"


Blogger Sandee said ... (1/26/2008 12:34 PM) : 

I'm sorry Matt can't come home. I was so hoping. Love the pic of the deer, and have fun with Wii. Big hug and have a great weekend. :)


Blogger Travis Cody said ... (1/26/2008 3:10 PM) : 

My folks have "pet" dear that come very close to the house.


Blogger Linda said ... (1/27/2008 11:17 AM) : 

Well that just stinks about Matt not being able to come home but I'll keep my fingers crossed that he gets to sneak home in February!

We don't have a WII but we did get an XBox 360 at Christmas from my mom and I was up until almost 1:00 myself last night playing Rock Band with a couple of 15-year olds! It was a lot of fun, though!


Blogger Julie said ... (1/27/2008 3:20 PM) : 

Just think of all the calories you're burning! Wooyeah!


Blogger RW said ... (1/27/2008 4:11 PM) : 

Thats to bad Matt can't come home! That Wii sounds like fun Dixie especially if it made ya sore Dixie lol! Love the deer photo!!


Blogger Sarge Charlie said ... (1/27/2008 7:51 PM) : 

sorry about matt, don't you worry yourself though, he is a tough man now.

Did lois ever let you out to pee?????


Blogger the Book of Keira said ... (1/28/2008 11:29 AM) : 

The Wii is quite a workout. I was sweating and winded after playing tennis...LOL.

That deer picture just might be the cutest thing I have ever seen. What a great shot!


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (1/28/2008 1:36 PM) : 

Great photo.... be careful those games can be addicting.. sorry about Matt....


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