Dixie's - Heart and Soul: Because I'm the Mom.... that's why!!!!

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I'm a 40 something single mother of 2 - Matt, a United States Marine, who is married to the most beautiful girl in the world, Ashley and Kaitlin 14 going on 21, need I say more... two grandchildren, Tyler and Jordyn who is the applie of Mimi's eye... I have the most wonderful man in my life right now. Tony is my true soulmate. I am so happy with my life.... it can't get any better than this!

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Because I'm the Mom.... that's why!!!!

How many times have you said to your kids... no wait... yelled at your kids... "BECAUSE I'M THE MOM.... THAT WHY!?!?!?!?!" I have found myself saying that in my sleep...

While I was doing some blog rounds I found this youtube video over at Lois' place.

What this funny lady has done has taken what any mom would say in a 24 hour period and condensed it to 2:55... yes that's right... two minutes 55 seconds...

Let me tell you this is absolutely hilarious. I can sooooooooo relate ... ENJOY!

Proudly Brought to You by Dixie 5:54 PM

Comments on "Because I'm the Mom.... that's why!!!!"


Blogger Meribah said ... (2/04/2008 7:49 PM) : 

Hehehehehe! I've seen this one before. That is one talented lady! :D


Blogger Gail said ... (2/04/2008 8:13 PM) : 

Never get tired of seeing this vid..

Thanks, my dear!


Blogger Liz Hill said ... (2/04/2008 8:46 PM) : 

i LOVE this!!!!! it's so funny and it SOOOO could have been YOU!!


Blogger Julie said ... (2/04/2008 9:06 PM) : 

This lady came to our town a couple years ago...brought the house down with her comedic anecdotes!

Great fun! Anita Renfroe is her name.


Blogger the Book of Keira said ... (2/05/2008 1:17 AM) : 

Ha! Too funny! That lady has some real talent :-)


Blogger Schmoop said ... (2/05/2008 7:59 AM) : 

My mom always said, "Matthew, why do you spend so much time in the bathroom with the door locked?" Cheers!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2/05/2008 9:52 AM) : 

Scares me to think I've said a few of those things before....


Blogger Sandee said ... (2/05/2008 11:15 AM) : 

Yep, I saw this over at Lois' too. What a hoot. I've said all these things a million times. Have a great day Dixie. :)


Blogger The Mrs. said ... (2/05/2008 12:00 PM) : 

I have never seen this before and its FANTASTIC!!!! Her children are obviously older cause she left out get your finger out of your nose and your brothers nose! : )


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2/05/2008 7:31 PM) : 

7:30 PM (Tuesday)

Dixie, watching the local weather stuff and they said some nasty stuff is headed your way. Drop me a line and let me know you're okay. You know my email addy...

Hugs, and stay safe!!!!!


Blogger Travis Cody said ... (2/05/2008 8:25 PM) : 

HA! I've seen that before and it was just as funny the second time around.


Blogger RW said ... (2/05/2008 11:40 PM) : 



Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (2/06/2008 7:29 AM) : 

she is a scream.. hope you stayed safe last night SugarBaby


Blogger the Book of Keira said ... (2/06/2008 11:52 AM) : 

checking in on you Dixie... worried about you with the storms. Let us know if all is okay...


Blogger RW said ... (2/07/2008 8:00 AM) : 

Hope your alright out there Dixie!


Blogger Anndi said ... (2/07/2008 1:26 PM) : 

ARGH! Blogger ate my comment.

I love that video. Chicklet saw it, looked over at me and asked me if all mommies learn to do that LOL...

I'll give you something to cry about.. yup... LOL


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