Pope John Paul II For Daddy and Kim... they are now my Christmas angels. MERRY CHRISTMAS For my family... I love you with all my heart. MERRY CHRISTMAS For The Hoochies and THE Hottie... MERRY CHRISTMAS For the Soul Patrol... WOOOOOOOOO MERRY CHRISTMAS For the troops overseas... may you come home soon and remember that you are in our prayers daily. MERRY CHRISTMAS This marvelous ides comes from Mimi at http://Mimiwrites.blogspot.com . Go check her out and do a globe! It's easy and so rewarding. It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it. Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) Merry Christmas all! SMOOCHES! |

Comments on ""
Dixie, thank you so much for the warm wishes. don't be too hard on Darryl, he's a great American, I am proud for your son too, the Marines is a hard but rewarding experience, producing some of America's finest. May you and your family have a wonderful and Merry Christmas. I'll be reading more of your blog, as I find this a great way to unwind at the end of my day.
Dixie - What a great tribute to peace. Thank you so much for participating. I've placed a link to your blog and the globe in the slideshow on my site.Wishing you and your family a peaceful Christmas.
Mimi Lenox
Dixie & family: Have a great Christmas & a fantastic 2007!
I love you sugarbaby--my sister. You are such a gift. Have a wonderful Christmas sweetie!
THE Hottie checking in to send a warm wish to you and all the family.
Merry Christmas dear Dixie...
It is now time to meet...
No more excuses darlin'
Merry (belated) Christmas to you and yours! May your 2007 be filled with happiness and blessings galore =)
My Peace Globe is up, too! Thanks for stopping by - pax vobiscum
Wanted to stop in and say Happy New Year... stay safe...watch out for the Amateurs out that night.
Final post of 2006 is on THE COUCH...See you next year.
Dixie, holiday is over, get back to blogging. We are needing our fix.