My blog is worth $253,066.76.
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Modified: 2007VEM
I'm a 40 something single mother of 2 - Matt, a United States Marine, who is married to the most beautiful girl in the world, Ashley and Kaitlin 14 going on 21, need I say more... two grandchildren, Tyler and Jordyn who is the applie of Mimi's eye... I have the most wonderful man in my life right now. Tony is my true soulmate. I am so happy with my life.... it can't get any better than this!
Comments on ""
Hi Dixie ~~ Some very nice shoes there. Thank you for your comments and birthday wishes for my son John,
I am glad you enjoyed the rich girl/ poor girl story. They were so young
aged about 9 years. There are some sad stories in this world, but some good ones too, thankfully.
Take care Dixie, and have a terrific weekend. Love, Merle.
Me likey *giggling*
wow, if i wore those i would have two broken ankles in about 12 steps! ha ha, nice shoes though!
smiles, bee
who could stand up on any of those???????
Whoa baby - those are some hoochie mama shoes if I've seen any!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! and there are some with the dangly things.. I can hear Travis THUMP now LOL..
GMTA.. you might wanna visit the slideshow I have up today.. guess I participated in the hunt myself without even knowing it was the topic!
Oh my Hoochie Mama is right...niccccccccccce shoes...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
**whistle whistle whistle**
**stands and applauds**
**gets wobbly**
Excellent Sugarbaby Darlin!
I admit that I am a total shoe-holic. Now, I must go shopping.
Merle, thanks... I have a terrible shoe fetish. Hope you have a great weekend too.
Turn, I knew you would like those ;-)
Mrs. Bee ... I likey the shoes too ;-)
Ann, I went and I saw your slide shoe ... ummmm I mean show... LOVE IT... I do believe that there was some type of earthquake today... registered 6.6 on the ricter scale.. and they say it came from Seattle and Memphis way... *giggles*
Sarge, I have a few pairs that high. But they are for special occassions... ;-)
Linda, they sure are hoochie mama shoes... that's why I like them... ;-)
Trav, my hottie, you okay there? *giggles*
Kyra, I did go shoe shopping today. Bought a pair of black sandals and a pair of Sketcher sandles... I'm addicted to shoes.
I have a pair similar to the last picture. Cheers!!
**runs to the corner with Trav's woobie feeling left out**
I so used to love these high heels, but as I've gotten older it's comfort...Low, comfortable shoes. Sign...
Nice shoes....hey, what was that earthquake?? Oh wait, that was Trav & Bond THUMPING. see? Bond hasn't even gotten off the ground yet to comment....
hehehe. I like some of those. Now if only my fat ass could balance on them....
I should get a pair of those. Then I can feel ultra sexy as I clean the house! ;)