The Famous Men of SP
The Damm Lurking Duck!
Oh, how we have missed the "Damm Lurking Duck"! How we have missed him breaking the boards, his teeny tiny print, the official SQUEEZING of the duck and the "duck" just being himself! We have let our Duckmaster Kits collect dust and our kiddie pools have become infested with algae.... all because our duck decided that he would "fly the coop". LOL. But NOW, our DUCK has decided to come home. woooooooooooooooooooo I have done nothing in this world to deserve friends like you! (lol giving a hoot where a duck is) Thank you Tay for bringing us all together! says damm
Looks like you have my dear friend...You make us smile each day. You allow us to give you that Squuuuueeeeeezzzzzeeeeee the Duck! We lurves you duckie!
Oh Bond, what can I say about our wonderful Bond. He has been there with us through thick and thin. We know that he is a smart Italian, who can cook and write and put us in our place and make sure that we behave ourselves so that we won't be sent to Banned Camp defending ourself against the trolls. We have become "Bond's Girls"... hey, James Bond ain't got nothing on this guy. I'll take Vinny any day over James Bond! We lurves you too Vinny! CROSSING FINGERS & TOES THAT VINNY JUST "WOWS" THE CLIENTS IN MEMPHIS! WOOOOOOOOOOOO SENDING POSITIVE ENERGIES TO MEMPHIS!
We haven't seen Galford in a while. Something must have happened to him during some experiment in the basement! If anybody has been him lately, please let us know.
Always there with a exceptional cup of tea. We were NEVER thirsty when Right was around. Then there was - TAYLOR HICKS! The reason that we ALL came together in the first place. This wonderful man. A man who can bring true soul back into music. A man who can move like no other. A man who makes grown women THUD! The man and his music! wooooooooo
Now I know that I have missed a lot. But these are the one's that came to my mind. Had to make the blog short today. If ya'll can think of any more, please let me know.
I loves ya'll more than Anndi loves her luggage :-)
Until tomorrow
Lee Ann
Comments on ""
Can't forget about Yoda! And there's another dude named BentoBoxx, but I don't know much about him.
Somebody PLEASE slap me upside my head! How in the world could I forget about the little green dude! Geez!!!!!!! Guess I had a MAJOR PICKLER MOMENT!
Yoda? He's a guy!
And Trav - he's very much a guy!
yup, Yoda and ya can't forget Closet!! Haven't seen him in ages!! Hmm, maybe Gal is doing experiments on him......
Yup.... I know I was having a "Major Pickler Moment".... How in this world did I forget Yoda, Closet and Trav! Geez.....
Bento, Wiseguy
both guys
I know--am an expert
It's all the field research I did when I was younger
Ah shucks....
I's a feelin' all welled up over being mention on this here lil blog thingy ya'll got goin'
Bond, sweetie... didn't I tell you to not try and speak southern just yet... LMOO